Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Getting Out

since HEROES is on sabbatical me and dad are trying to get out of the house a little bit more. its fun having him carry me outside instead of just inside.

and, if you look close, you may be able to see my new teeth coming in!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

A couple months difference...

i'll be 6 months old soon. can you believe i used to fit in the pink thing?

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


yum, yum, yum, yams in my belly.
but first, i like to try them on.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Venti Issues

why when i order a cafe mocha at starbucks do they have to announce to everyone that i want whip cream with it? its standard for the drink. i'm not asking for whip cream. but they say, "venti mocha with whip cream!" and everyone turns to see who ordered whip cream. why not say "venti mocha with espresso, cocoa, steamed milk, and whip cream"?

i propose only saying the non-standard items, so if the skinny girls decide against the whip cream, let everyone waiting know they're skipping whip cream. but keep mine on the down low.

and one more thing, if i'm paying full price for a coffee, fill my cup to the top.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

First white stuff, then green?

these peas are sooo good they curl my toes

Sunday, March 4, 2007

First Bites

wait a second, what is this?

Friday, March 2, 2007

Mom's Home!

i hear someone coming up the stairs...
someone's at the door. i hope its...yeah! mom's home!