Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Down on the Farm...

Even Claire gets to drive...

"C'mon fishy-fishy, eat some breakfast"

Claire is out in the cotton,

oh Claire, where'd you go?
I'm driving the Rhino this time...

...Right, Grandadday?

Saturday, December 19, 2009

He's Checking it Twice

Candy brings the goods as she cuts my bangs...

...I think I saw a picture of aunti JuJu with these bangs back in the day.

Aunt Cath and Claire visit with a dancing clown from my great-Grandma

Could this be our Christmas card?  At least one of us is smiling!

Which is one more then this picture.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Santa's Makin' His List...

Nana told me if I decorated the whole tree, she'd give me a nickel...

Dad put us in the pokey for being up all night this week...

I'm already sick and tired of the cold and snow...

I wonder if Miss Helen knows I can turn on the computer and use the photo booth app?

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Dad's Birthday Weekend...

I was especially nice to Claire this weekend -since it was dad's birthday.  
She looks like she doesn't trust my intentions...Claire, a hard hug means I love you!

I decided to help give Claire a bath because she's a mini-dirt nugget.  
She thinks its funny when I pinch her nose...

Claire loves reading the paper with Nana.  Its her favorite thing in the morning!

Saturday, November 14, 2009


You got a little food on your chin, and cheek, and shirt, and hands...

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Why does daylights savings time have to end?

I disagree about this year's pumpkin crop being disappointing...

My a-t-t-i-t-u-d-e is scarier then Isiah's costume

Shut the doors, baby Claire is mobile!

Can't watch TV due to my parking lot fiasco...longest - day - ever!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Claire's Baptism Day

Nana gets Claire dressed before her big ceremony...

The kids, the parents, and the godparents.  

Duck hunting on the stage...

Claire and I get some fresh air for our colds...

Sunday, October 11, 2009

LOOONG Weekend...

I'm taking a hayride with mommy.  
You can't see dad but he's carrying Claire AND a half bushel of apples....  

I'm cruising down Orange Street on my new scooter.  
I just missed the white Escalade in the driveway.  
Sure they wouldn't have minded a little blue paint on the bumper!

Don't tell Charlie, but I'm playing with his Thomas balloon.  
It's funny when he's cross!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Little 3

Nana and Claire are holding court...

Traffic jam at the slide...

Loving my baseball cake!

Claire is having fun!


Saturday, September 12, 2009

Easy Livin' at Nana's

What, no set bedtimes?  Claire is lovin' it!

School, what school?  Becky and I are playing.  Try to catch me...

Nana and Claire are catching up on some obits...

Claire and I are watching some tube.  Move over Claire!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Moving Weekend...

things are a little crazy around here but i'm doing my best to keep everyone loose...

Monday, August 24, 2009

Pool Party!

I'm trying to cannon-ball like Uncle Jesse in Juli's pool....

and Claire is hanging out with dad inside, far away from the water...

Monday, August 10, 2009


is there anyone there?  Charlie said i can use his computer when he's at Miss Debbie's...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Want me to nap?

it'll you cost 1 mill-ion dollars...


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Summer's Here!

Easy Claire, act like its not your first time on the 'net...

Claire is figuring out being cute gets you more stuff then being cranky...

I'm bringing the heat this summer!

Uncle Jimbo had his arms full last week...

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Back from the beach!

Claire and mommy have plenty of time to do photo shoots when I'm at Miss Debbie's house....

Claire is tired from hanging out

Don't try to keep up with me, Rosie -you'll just get tired.  Let Beckie try...
Claire is giving Nana kisses...or she smells milk on Nana's breath...

I'm hanging out with my rave-day-glo circles waiting for the fireworks on the 4th.